Blog Archive

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Small prints

Finished packaging the brooches, spent the evening mount cutting and prepping a selection of designs of my earlier relief print work which will retail at the soon to be launched Williamson Art Gallery Shop. The work is from
2010 - 2011 and was all produced at my kitchen table using the Vinyl Cutting Technique and printed by hand.


  1. These look like fun, Laura. I have just bought a new very soft lino block and am hoping to get grooving over the weekend.

    Good luck with the art gallery shop.

    1. Hi bella - the product I use is called soft cut and it's cream coloured vinyl. I found it suited me better than Lino when working at home because you don't have to heat it up. I found it works bast for me with a tiny v cutting tool. Hope you have fun trying it out this weekend!

  2. These look lovely!

  3. Cheers Chloe need to think about resurrecting my Etsy shop - just never seem to have enough hours in the day to do everything. Hope things are going well did you ever do more animation with your lovely horses?
